Update Talren v6.2.17 – 30/01/2025
- Corrections liées au calcul du cisaillement mobilisable des clous
- Améliorations dans le calcul de stabilité externe locale et de stabilité interne des murs
- Améliorations dans les icônes de phases et de situations
- Rajout d’une option pour condamner l’historique des projets sous forme de mosaïque à l’accueil
Update Talren v6.2.16
Cette mise à jour convient aux versions de départ 6.2.10 à 6.2.15 incluses et permet d’aller vers la version 6.2.16.
- Internal stability calculation of concrete cellular walls
- Lot of corrections about Wall module, Earth Pressure module and the rest of the software
- Various improvements related to the Wall module and in particular in the calculation of the internal stability of cellular walls
- Various corrections in the user interface
- Corrections in the internal stability of cellular walls
Update Talren v6.2.10
- Correction of idelta calculation for intermediate soils
- Redefinition of the calculation of the lift utilization rate
- Minor fixes and optimizations in the interface
Update Talren v6.2.7
- Correction of instabilities in the interface
- Correction of a bug when setting passage conditions
- Correction of a bug when deleting a stage
Update Talren v6.2.6
- Handling of zero values for Hr and Heff and the no effect of an external load
- Possibility of defining the weight of soil at base of wall (after works)
Update Talren v6.2.5
- Optimization of the user interface
- Correction of the gamma calculation under the base of the wall footing
- Use of an infinite value of the lift utilization coefficient if the ground lift is zero
Update Talren v6.2.4
- Various corrections in the Wall module
- Correction in the license search mechanism
Update Talren v6.2.3
- Modification of the titles of the safety sets for standard NF P 94-281
- The value of GammaRd is no longer required in calculation situations dedicated to the analysis of the local external equilibrium of the walls.
Update Talren v6.2.2
Many corrections in the active/passive earth pressure module and in the Wall module.
Update Talren v6.2.1
- New Wall calculation module
- Many optimizations in the active/passive earth pressure module: optimization of calculation time, ability to explore mechanisms by slopes and to search for trapezoidal diagrams, as well as to impose the search for plane mechanisms
- Active/passive earth diagrams can be exported to K-Réa.
Update Talren v6.1.9
- Fixed a printing bug
- Improved accuracy of shadings
Update Talren v6.1.7
- Improved compatibility with Plaxis 2022 regarding pore pressure import.
Fixed a display problem in the printing wizard in the presence of many situations - Improved soil layer color consistency between menus and graphical view.
Updated « License Manager Terrasol » - New error message from calculation when failing to construct failure surfaces
- Fixed a bug related to the soil database
- Fixed a rare bug related to loads
- Fixed a rare data control bug that caused Talren to crash
- New data control relative to the base passage point
- The passage conditions are now reminded to the user at the begin of the calculation
- Aesthetic improvements in the tree structure, when calculating and optimizing the welcome screen
- Resultant vector color change in active earth pressure mode
Update Talren v6.1.6
- Corrections related to flow calculation
- Fixed a bug on Korean systems when looking for the license. This bug can also impact any non-latin-alphabet system
- Improvement/correction of various labels, in particular related to reinforcement/load families
Update Talren v6.1.5
- New access to flow velocity vectors when the pore pressure mesh has been generated by Talren
- New functionality for calculating pore pressure diagrams
- Fixed a geometric bug when duplicating families of reinforcements and loads
- Unblocking the export of nodes and triangles in any situation
- Correction of an error appearing in an opening or saving window if the last working directory has not yet been defined (blank installation)
Update Talren v6.1.2
- Added the active/passive earth pressure module in the situation
- New presentation of some of the property sections and in particular the situation section
- Added the GammaRd factor to the situation
- Creation of load groups to simplify the use of loads in the staged construction
- Separation of moments and linear loads
- Possibility of defining different µ0 and µ1 coefficients for each strip
- Other similar properties have been made independent in strips, nails and anchors
- Improved display of the home page with its project bubbles, and added the ability to delete the opened project history
- Correction in the calculation kernel allowing a correct calculation in presence of very thin layers in certain rare contexts which caused problem.
Improved display of memory status in the bottom bar - Fixed problems with post-8 versions of Java installed on the system
- Various improvements and corrections to the interface, including labels and tooltips.
Update Talren v6.0.15
- Correction related to Ra/2 in the calculation kernel
- Choice of colors from RGB values
- Added a comment about relation between Ra and Rc
- Indication of the working direction of the nails (tension or compression)
- Improved license management when both LT and complete licenses are present
- In the welcome window, highlighting on our training activity.
Update Talren v6.0.13
- Memory optimization for better exploiting and printing of large projects.
- Adjusted reinforcement detection in the calculation kernel.
- Addition of compatibility with 64-bit Java, allowing increase of memory allocation if necessary. This memory allocation is also manually adjustable in a configuration file. There will be a new FAQ ticket about that soon. Even if Talren remains compatible with 32-bit Java, we strongly recommend you to install 64-bit Java if it is not already installed on your computer.
- Restoration of the automatic search for a new license in specific cases and therefore no need to click on the license button of the welcome window.
Update Talren v6.0.11
- Simplification of license management
- Improvement of the treatment of distributed loads belonging to a family
- Nail weighting wizard: correction of the value of the partial factor Γa,clou for steel reinforcements in reinforced concrete according to Eurocode 2
- Addition of a clear message if the user tries to open a corrupted file or if he tries to write a PDF report while the file is already open by another application
- Addition of a warning when opening a project written by a more recent version than the current version of the user
- Fixed a bug that occurred if the calculation kernel only outputs surfaces with an infinite safety factor
- Fixed a bug that appeared in 6.0.10 which prevented the opening of specific projects
Update Talren v6.0.9
- Correction when using the flow calculation in a project with an external water table.
Update Talren v6.0.8
Talren v6.0.8 :
- Correction of a bug when duplicating a nail in shear mode calculated by the wizard
- Visual corrections in the partial factors set definition panel
- Improvements in the summary tables
Talren v6.0.7 :
- Improve the navigation through the properties of loads and reinforcements
- Enable the possibility of manual entry in the Newmark wizard
- Correct the display of intervals in the method of circles defined by intervals
- Fix a bug when the views are customized in the print wizard
- Reactivate the error reporting module
- Repair the nail export to database tool
- Fix random crashing of the UI
- Add an explicit display of the error resulting from the exceeding of the memory used by the kernel
- Redesign the sets of safety factors selecting menu
- Remove a warning for a large number of points or segments in the project
- Add a progress bar to display the status of the pre-loading of results when opening pre-calculated projects
- Enable editing data directly from the summary tables
- List of the intermediate values of XF and XA used during the iterative procedure in automatic search in the zone at the bottom right of the interface
- Enable the application of the settings from one print shot to all the others
- Add shortcuts to facilitate the reordering of phases and situations from the project tree
- Various optimizations and fixes in the UI and in the kernel
Talren v6 Major update – Update v6.0.5 vers v6.0.6
- Added a check in the stability kernel in case a point is in a zone where the pressure mesh is not applicable (specific to the flow calculation)
Update Talren v5.2.9 to v5.2.10
- Improvement of the ergonomics of the project opening/registration window
- Notification of the existence of the new Talren v6 version on the home window
Latest Talren update from v5.2.7 to v5.2.9
- Replacing Windows printing with direct PDF saving, creating calculation reports without layout problems
- Fixed an invisible main window bug when using multiple screens
- Fixed a bug when exporting forces in reinforcements
- Improved compatibility with recent versions of Windows
- Various visual improvements
Alternative Java Oracle: Amazon-Corretto
To get the setup to install it :
- Go to the following wab page :
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-8-ug/downloads-list.html - Download : JRE x64 pour Windows au format MSI
Latest Talren update from v5.2.5 to v5.2.7
details of the corrections available only in french
- Nouveau contrôle qui avertit lorsqu’un clou est positionné à cheval sur l’enveloppe du terrain (modélisation de paroi verticale), car cette situation peut entraîner une impossibilité de calculer.
- Nouvel assistant permettant d’importer des points de surface polygonale dans les situations.
- Correction de l’importation des pressions interstitielles depuis Plaxis.
- Correction mineure liée à la nappe extérieure.
- Correction d’un bug dans l’assistant d’impression.
- Amélioration drastique des performances notamment graphiques en cas de nombreuses situations et à la fois de nombreux renforcements/surcharges provenant de familles.
- Multiples petites améliorations diverses dans l’interface utilisateur.
Latest Talren update from v5.2.4 to v5.2.5
- Ability to copy all stress results in reinforcements for all fracture surfaces (new « Export » tab in reinforcement results) to the clipboard at once
- Fixed import from PRJ file
- More explicit message instead of an error in case of problems when printing
- Various minor corrections in the interface
Version 5.2.4
- Correction of the English language
- Various correction in the interface
Version 5.2.3
- Optimization of the control of the external water table
- Fixed a very rare bug related to the internal geometry compiler used during the calculation
- Talren now requires Java 8 (32 bits). If you still have Java 6 or 7, we suggest to proceed with the upgrade.Please refer to our FAQ for more information about this update.
- This update of Talren v5 is major. If the update fails or if Talren does not work normally, please uninstall Talren and then reinstall it completely from the setup file available for download from our website. Even if everything goes well, we strongly advise you to proceed with this reinstallation in order to benefit from a better integration in the operating system. Indeed, project files will now be associated with Talren v5 and will automatically open by double-clicking on them.
This compressed file allows easy deployment by IT administrators.
- Improved compatibility with new key protection Sentinel LDK
- Talren now works in the user’s temporary directory as recommended by Microsoft. Moreover, Talren stores the results in a single file, which avoids the problems of exceeding the limit of path length to 255 characters imposed by Windows. Compatibility with older projects that stored their results in their uppercase directory is of course retained.
- It is now prohibited to use distributed overload with a negative angle. For modelize, it should take negative load values and an angle equal to the complement to 180 °.
- Added compatibility with the new keys protection Sentinel LDK. HASP HL keys are still compatible
- Added compatibility with Windows 10
Warning: Talren v5.1.2 requires Java 7 or Java 8 (32 bit). If a version 6 is installed on your computer, you must update it. If you get difficulties with this update, please refer to our FAQ page.
- Import from Plaxis AE,
- Possibility to display pore pressure shadings,
- Possibility to apply a multiplier defined by overload for each phase,
- Addition of the horizontal / vertical tracing function,
- Implementation of the complete management of examples-files and supply of them
This compressed file let the administrator do an easy deployment of the update.
The v5 demo version and full version may be downloaded from Talren webpage.
Please feel free to contact us for any information about Talren v5.
New version Talren v5 is now available.
It’s an update from version Talren 4, available for Talren 4 users at a special update rate.
The v5 demo version and full version may be downloaded from Talren webpage.
For 32 bit version of Talren 4 :
- full version: Talren 4 v2.0.4 32 bit
- need an update of the drivers
- DeviceDriver: download and extract the files. And then, execute the DeviceDriver.bat file.
Version TALREN 4 64 bits :
- full version: Talren 4 v2.0.4 64 bit
- standalone keys has to be re-encoded
- compatible with 32 bits systems
- key drivers need to be updated too
- only Java 32 bits must be installed on the computer (Talren 4 is incompatible with Java 64 bits).