Dakar harbour (Senegal)

TERRASOL has been working for many years on port and offshore infrastructure projects on behalf of EIFFAGE SÉNÉGAL and its subcontractors, upgrading and expanding the Port Autonome de Dakar.

The local geology is specific, with alternating very compact limestone levels and softer marly levels, within which decompressed areas and clayey lenses with weak properties may also be found.

TERRASOL recently contributed its geotechnical expertise to the following projects:

  • Analysis of additional soil testing and updating of the foundations design for container terminal TAC1 (700 m alongside quay, foundation on 12 to 13 m deep piles);
  • Geotechnical detailed design for the renovation of the foundations of an oil wharf (pier 9) by construction of a double sheet-pile wall (length 260 m, width 30 m) driven 2 m outside the existing structure, embedded in the marly limestone substratum, and anchored at the top (see picture);
  • Assistance during the call for tenders for the extension of pier 8 (length about 300 m).

Terrasol’s achievements:

  • Analysis of additional soil testing campaign
  • Geotechnical detailed design
  • Assistance during tender phase
PERIOD :  2013 - 2015
Maître d'ouvrage : Port Autonome de Dakar
Main specifications :  

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