Monitoring the filling injections of gypsum dissolution cavities – 104 rue d’Aubervilliers, Paris (France)

Within the framework of works preparing the conversion of a former funeral home into a cultural facility, TERRASOL supervised works of filling injections into anteludian gypsum dissolution cavities over the entire site.

Over two injection phases, 447 drillings (50 to 60 m deep) were performed and the injections reached a volume of more than 10,000 m3 of grout.

Supervision of volumes and materials:
TERRASOL ensured continuous and regular supervision, based on daily reports, for:

  • injected volumes,
  • quantities of grout produced,
  • quantities of grout injected,
  • materials dosing (water, fine sand, cement, bentonite).

TERRASOL established correlations between:

  • the daily report of the plant and the delivery notes, in order to check the dosing compliance,
  • between quantities forecasts (from the contract specifications) and quantities actually injected, in order to follow-up the reinforcement conditions and to be able to adjust them.

Monitoring of the injection grout quality:
To carry out this control, regular checks were performed on:

  • grout injection quality, by testing methods (density, viscosity, decantation, resistance to compression),
  • flow rate of injection pumps and automatic weighing by the calibration plant (control carried out by a specialised contractor).
PERIOD :  2005 - 2006
Project Owner : Mairie de Paris AGP (Large Projects Agency)
Project Manager : SETEC TPI
Contractor : Soletanche-Bachy
Main specifications :  

  • Area of the zone to process: 14 000 m2
  • Number of drillings: 447
  • Type of injections: filling and arches
  • Volume injected: > 10 000 m3