Scage v2.1.4 – 30/01/2025
- Improved overall software performance when handling projects with large amounts of data
- Added the ability to calculate T-walls in the calculator section
- Added the possibility of having several reinforcement beds per side for rectangular cages
- Import of K-Réa seismic ELU phases added
- Import of K-Réa phases for the accidental ELU added
Scage v2.0.14 – 29/04/2024
- Added consideration of the limit stress of the concrete at ELS QP
- Import of the 2 ELU results diagrams (MEL and MISS) from K-Réa for autostable phases as soon as they are available
- Added the option of choosing whether to calculate at ELS, ELU or both for each phase
- Added the option of automatically creating envelopes when importing from K-Rea
- Added the ability to print out the reinforced concrete calculator section
Integration of the seismic ELU combination - Correction of certain screens in the application to improve legibility at low resolutions
- Correction of a bug in the national appendix, which was forced into French when loading a project or duplicating a case study
- Addition of examples and modification of the tree structure of the examples folder
- Corrections and improvements to manuals
- Various layout corrections
- Various bug fixes
Circular section
- Correction of the SigmaS,lim value on the SLE stress graph
Scage v2.0.12 – 04/12/2023
- Added compatibility with K-réa v5
- Added the ability to assign multiple phases in an envelope
- Added compatibility with Foxta v4 for Piecoef variants with multiple head loads
- Improved user experience on small resolutions
- Various corrections to printouts
Scage v2.0.11 – 02/08/2023
- Various graphic corrections
- Addition of a message on the home page linking to the Terrasol training page
- Corrected display of bars on elevation drawing
Circular section
- Improved performance of the calculation engine when there are several phases
- Fixed a display bug that prevented all the elements of a cage from being displayed in circular mode when there were too many of them
- Fixed a bug in Excel imports for piles
- Fixed import of Groupie projects
Scage v2.0.10 – 07/07/2023
- Correction of a bug on printouts that could lead to a crash of the application when consulting graph tables
- Moved some parameters in the Phases/Envelopes tab
- Various graphical corrections
- Addition of a pop-up alert when changing the geometry of a case wall, forcing the user to reinitialize the phases
- Various graphic corrections
Circular section
- Pile pre-sizing module added
- Steel ratio added to “Steel sections” tab
- Concrete stress, steel stress and ELS crack opening graphs added
- Correction related to GammaS at ELS Fundamental
Rectangular section
- Added the possibility of displaying bars with their nominal diameter in cutting drawings
- Corrected a bug that prevented bending modes from being displayed correctly in the “Steel sections” tab
- Correction related to the inclusion of GammaS in the Accidental ELU.
Reinforced concrete calculator
- Rectangular: correction linked to ELS verification in torsor table
- Circular: correction linked to the calculation of the cross-section required at ELS
- New section added for pile pre-sizing module
- New, more streamlined layout for greater clarity
Scage v2.0.8.1 – 01/06/2023
- Fixed a bug on printouts that could cause the application to crash.
Known bug
- In some cases, displaying curves as tables can lead to the application crashing. Please do not attempt to click on the “Tables” tabs until a fix is provided
- Fixed a bug on printouts that could close the application
- Ability to import the results of the K-Réa v4 combination calculation
- Possibility to select several phases at the same time to include them in an envelope
- Correction of a random communication problem between the interface and the calculation engine that could prevent calculations to be completed in the case of projects with a large number of phases
- Correction of a navigation problem in the printouts related to projects with several cases to print
- Positioning of longitudinal bars in relation to the edge of the pile section and not in relation to the centre
- Enrichment of graph legends
- Automatic choice of the phase in the interaction diagrams tab of the Results map
- Systematic creation of the 1st cage element
- Possibility to delete a custom level in the mobilised resistance graphs
- Possibility to automatically fill in the elevation levels of the longitudinal bars from the element levels (if they are entered), option to be activated in the Project parameters
- Visualisation of all longitudinal bars on the section drawing present on the height of the bars being defined
- Reversal of the calculation of the mobilisable shear strength of the pile sections
- Consideration of the load length of longitudinal bars of pile cages
Correction of some texts - Improvement and correction of the elevation drawing for circular projects
- Fixed a bug in the calculator in circular mode that sometimes prevented
- Calculations from being performed
- Added the cage for cast wall projects
- Added the possibility to build a cage to check steel stresses