
Sébastien Burlon

Technical Director

Joined Terrasol in 2018


  • MSc “Ecole Nationale des Travaux Publics de l’Etat” (ENTPE)
  • PhD in Geotechnics, Lille University
  • “Habilité à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)” (Accreditation to Direct Research),  Paris-Est University

Scientific community:

  • Member of CFMS (“Comité Français de Mécanique des Sols et de Géotechnique” / French Committee for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering)
  • Member of the French delegation for Eurocode 7 (TC250/SC7)

Areas of study:

  • Geotechnical structure deisgn – Soil-Structure Interaction
  • Numercial Modeling of geotechnical structures
  • Standardization (Eurocode 7 – Management Group Committee, Project Team 1 Leader – Eurocode 0)



  • Shallow chalk quarry stability using an original shear strength reduction approach (F. Rafeh, H. Mroueh and S. Burlon) – Computers and Geotechnics 112, April 2019
  • Book “Calcul des fondations superficielles et profondes” (R. Frank, F. Cuira and S. Burlon) – Presses des Ponts, December 2018
  • “Modélisation numérique des ouvrages géotechniques” (E. Bourgeois, S. Burlon and F. Cuira) – Techniques de l’Ingénieur, July 2018
  • Macroelement based seismic analysis of a raft foundation (Y. Abboud, S. Burlon et JF. Semblat) – European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessalonique, June 2018
  • Significant seismic ground motion parameters for the macroelement based design of shallow foundation (Y. Abboud, S. Burlon et J.F. Semblat) – European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Thessalonique, June 2018
  • “Prise en compte de l’ISS dans la justification de la portance sismique d’un radier général” (Y. Abboud, F. Cuira, S. Burlon and J.F. Semblat) – Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géologie de l’Ingénieur (JNGG), Marne-La-Vallée, June 2018
  • “Le calcul géotechnique selon l’Eurocode 7” (Burlon, S., Desodt, C., Habert, J and Reiffsteck, P., Dunod, 2017.
  • “t-z curves for piles from pressuremeter test results” (Abchir, Z., Burlon, S., Frank, R., Habert, J. and Legrand. S.), Géotechnique 66(2), 2016.
  • “Analysis and design methods for energy geostructures” (Bourne Webb, P., Burlon, S., Javid, S., Kuerten, S. and Loveridge, F. ), Renewable & Sustainable Energy 65, 2016.
  • “Accounting for joints effect on the failure mechanisms of shallow underground chalk quarries” (Rafeh, F., Mroueh, H. and Burlon, S.), Computers and Geotechnics 69, 2015.
  • “On the understanding of cyclic interaction mechanisms in an energy pile group” (Suryatriyastuti, M.E., Burlon, S. and Mroueh, H.), International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 40(1), 2015.
  • “Retrait-Gonflement des sols argileux en France : quelques résultats du projet ARGIC2” (Burlon, S., J.P., Magnan, E.Plat and R., Cojean), Géologues 182, 2014.
  • “A load transfer approach for studying the cyclic behavior of thermo-active piles” (Suryatriyastutia, M.E., Mroueh, H. and Burlon, S.),  Computers and Geotechnics 55, 2014.
  • “Model factor for the bearing capacity of piles from pressuremeter test results – A Eurocode 7 approach” (Burlon, S., Frank, R., Baguelin, F., Habert, J. and Legrand. S.), Géotechnique 64(7), 2014.
  • “Skipped cycles” method for studying cycling loading and soil-structure interface (Burlon, S., Mroueh, H. and J., Cao),  Computers and Geotechnics 61, 2014.
  • “Influence of diaphragm wall installation on the numerical analysis of deep excavation” (Burlon, S., Mroueh, H. and Shahrour, I.), International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 37(11), 2013.
  • “Implementation of Eurocode 7 in French practice by means of national additional standards. Modern Geotechnical Design Codes of Practice – Implementation” (Magnan, J.P. and Burlon, S.), Application and Development, IOS Press Books, ISBN 978-1-61499-162-5, 2012.
  • “Modélisation numérique des mouvements des sols induits par des excavations” (Burlon, S. and Mroueh, H.), Revue Française de Géotechnique 140-141, 2012.
  • “Understanding the temperature-induced mechanical behaviour of energy pile foundations” (Suryatriyastuti, M.E., Mroueh, H. and Burlon, S.), Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 16, 2012

Previous experience:

  • Geotechnical engineer in CETE Nord-Piacardie (2003-2010)
  • Engineer in charge of expertise and research (2011-2018)